Tips for Whipping Cream Properly

The fresh cream from Lăptăria cu Caimac turns into a light and airy whipped cream, perfect for mousses, with fresh fruits, or on top of a Pavlova. This heavy cream is perfect for whipping cream, due to fact that it has a minimum content of 33% fat.


2 bottles of cooking and whipped cream from Lăptăria cu Caimac

Juice of a lemon



  1. Chill the fresh cream in the refrigerator before whipping.
  2. Ideally, it should be chilled for 24 hours before.
  3. If you have time, chill the bowl and beaters that you will use to whip the cream.
  4. Whip at medium speed and stop the mixer when the cream becomes a foam-like consistency.
  5. Whip at medium speed and stop the mixer when the cream becomes a foam-like consistency.


This recipe was created by Alina Muntele, who used our 100% natural dairy products for the preparation of this delicious appetiser. We were excited to see how our products turned into dishes made with skill and respect for ingredients and taste! We would like to thank her for choosing us for this recipe and we are pleased to share it with you.



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