Summer dip with sour cream and molcuț yogurt

A refreshing dessert for hot summer days. Not too sweet, not too salty, perfect for a well-deserved break after a busy day.

Easy to prepare and enjoy, Summer Dip with Sour Cream and Molcuț Yogurt.


  • 225g Sour Cream and Cheese from Lăptăria cu Caimac
  • 150g Molcuț Yogurt from Lăptăria cu Caimac
  • 60g powdered sugar

For the topping:

  • 300g strawberries
  • 35g granulated sugar
  • a few pink peppercorns
  • zest of ½ lemon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla paste

For serving:

  • sweet biscuits
  • mint leaves


  1. Wash and remove the stems from the strawberries. Cut them into quarters.
  2. Place the strawberries in a bowl. Add sugar, lemon zest, crushed pink peppercorns, and vanilla. Mix well and set aside for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Put the sour cream and cheese, yogurt, and powdered sugar in a blender and blend until you obtain a smooth and creamy mixture.
  4. Transfer everything to a serving plate or platter. Arrange the prepared fruits and the juices formed in the bowl on top.
  5. Sprinkle some grated lemon zest and mint leaves.



Instead of strawberries, you can choose any other seasonal fruits that will provide a fresh flavor to the dessert.

This recipe was created by Alina Muntele, who used our 100% natural dairy products for the preparation of this delicious appetizer. We were excited to see how our products turned into dishes made with skill and respect for ingredients and taste! We would like to thank her for choosing us for this recipe and we are pleased to share it with you.


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