All about Lăptăria cu Caimac
We are a 100% Romanian specialty dairy brand, natural and whole, adapted to the requirements and possibilities of today’s world. We get involved in the entire process: with our farm and with our animals fed from our own crops, we have both the means and the desire to produce quality, safe and nutritious dairy products, without useless add-ons. Tasty as those you can only find in the countryside or at the market, but safe as only a state-of-the-art factory can provide. We care for our animals thoroughly, we create new tastes passionately, and we observe the standards rigorously and believe that life is more peaceful when you choose to do good deeds and to drink a glass of warm milk.

Our Story
We are an integrated company, which allows us to control and guarantee everything about all our dairy products, starting with grains, oilseeds and hay grown on 3,500 ha, which represent 90% of our cows’ feed.
In fact, we started off in 1994 when we founded the 100% Romanian company AGROSERV MĂRIUȚA. Then, we started to cultivate fields, and in 2005 we set up one of the largest dairy farms in Romania. We have been supplying raw, bulk milk for over 10 years to large processing factories in Romania and, most recently, Bulgaria.
Today, we have approximately 2,500 animals, of which 1,000 are milking cows. Our cows are pure pedigree (Holstein Friesian), and we raise them free stall. This means that they live free and untied at the farm, in semi-open shelters. So no, we cannot show pictures of incredibly green pastures! But we know how much care we take of our animals and that our feeding makes it possible to deliver the most delicious milk.
We rely on current animal-care principles based on prevention and on an excellent team of three veterinarians and a veterinary technician who ensure that the cows’ milk is always coming from healthy cows. Are you familiar with the old saying “if fat then beautiful”? Indeed, we need specialists for this, including a nutritionist who ensures that our animals have a balanced intake of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, corresponding to the season and the age of each animal.
Farm’s Creamery
Having both the power and the desire to produce quality, safe, nutritious dairy products without additives, in 2018 we commissioned a modern factory where we bottle the highest quality cow’s milk in terms of fat, protein and lactose content. Clean milk with the minimum amount possible of germs and somatic cells, obtained with state-of-the-art technology.
Our factory is built across the farm, so that milk reaches the production line immediately, untouched by man or air, for reasons of hygiene. The entire process (milking and bottling) is completed in less than 24 hours. This is how we make sure that you enjoy fresh, natural and safe milk!

Values that we respect in whole

A cow’s feed shows in the quality of its milk. You can tell what we eat by our health and wellness. Everything that we do has direct impact and the people that we gather around us act accordingly. That is why we have chosen the clean, honest, 100% transparent way of producing specialty dairy products, as we want to work and live in a community of responsible people, like us, to receive and give the best.
Future oriented,
inspired by tradition
Truth is always in between. We believe this is the case for true dairy products, which must also meet today’s food safety standards and the traditional recipes of our land, i.e. as any true specialist, who seeks inspiration and identity in the treasures of the past and in the possibilities of the present day.
Passion for taste
We do love dairy products and we wish ours to be truly specialty ones: capable of delighting the senses, in a skillful and responsible way. Passion gives us the energy to try and create every time new tastes and recipes until we get really satisfied!
We exceed expectations
Cows do not take time off at weekends or holidays; they keep us going. And, since we can’t stand still not even for a while, we try to spend our time getting specialised continuously. We’re trying our hand at different recipes, new products and more performant technologies, so the flavour would always speak in our name, since we have so little time to do so.
Specialty dairy products manifesto
We believe that cow’s milk is an extraordinary food, full of precious nutritious substances and goodness, feeding our body and soul, and giving us the energy to enjoy the very best of life.
We believe in people and specialty dairy products. That is, in skills and responsibility. In secrets, when it comes to unique and tasty recipes, and in transparency when it comes to processes, ingredients and quality.
We believe in whole milk dairy products, because they are made of the milk the way cows give it naturally. And we trust nature. But we also believe that everyone has to follow their taste, as long as they respect their health. And the animals. And the environment.
We believe in 100% Romanian. We are proud to have a 100% Romanian sustainable and responsible business. Especially in an industry with such tradition!
We believe in 100% natural and we believe there is no need to say why.
We believe both in future and tradition. And in the nutritionist, and in the cook. And in safety, and tasteful. We believe in the informed, middle way, the path of the specialist, the one that convinces both our senses and vitality.